Sunday, August 17, 2014


At the edge of the southern regions, but open to the sea, Sfax is an old city in modern times become the second city in Tunisia by population and economic importance. Away from the tourist centers, retaining a beautiful walled Medina, it has an authenticity that gives it a special appeal. Opposite to him for a nearby island, accessible by ferry, offers dream beaches and atmosphere of the end of the world: Kerkennah islands. Staying Close to the Grand Sfax Tunisian south, the heart of an already harsh and austere region, Sfax is surrounded by vast olive groves perfectly ordered that must rank Tunisian capital of olive oil ... It is also a large port city, industrial and commercial. A city of contrasts, prosperous and active while remaining deeply rooted in tradition. Many hotels provide excellent comfort to stay in Sfax and discover the many facets. Its downtown is not devoid of a certain cachet: plots and covered galleries are surrounded by original style buildings Arabisance whose battlements and towers shaped minaret inspired by ancient Islamic architecture. Above all, we will visit the Medina length perfectly preserved and bustling with life, one of the most remarkable Tunisia. Through the Medina Of crenellated ramparts, color of parchment, facing the modern city, punctuated by a series of bastions and towers: the Sfax Medina offers an imposing face. Its appearance from another time encourages penetrate further. Soon reached the monumental Bab Diwan, one reaches an exotic world and full of animation souks of spices, perfumes, jewelers, blacksmiths ... neighborhood trade keeps the brand of old ways of life. At its center stands the Great Mosque, built in the ninth century and rebuilt at various times, which has a remarkable minaret decorated with carved designs. Far from being neglected by modern life as are the older neighborhoods of cities, the Medina still has very active souks which case a mixed population. Throughout the wall, 2 km long, forts may offer pleasant stops: Borj el-Rasas and Moorish cafe Diwan, where we will focus sipping mint tea, and the Borj Ennar including the terrace offers a breathtaking view of the old town and the modern city. We also stop at the curious minaret Sidi Amar Kammoun and we visit the Kasbah, which houses a small museum of architecture in Tunisia Sfax city of traditions While having acquired the stature of a major economic center, Sfax remained deeply committed to its heritage and traditions. Evidenced by its Medina, little influenced by tourism, which still has an authentic atmosphere. Well versed in the traditional arts - like music - Sfaxiens are also known for their cuisine. Their recipes with fish, their oriental pastries are the delight of gourmets. There is a very nice Sfax Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions, housed in a beautiful house in the Medina Dar Jellouli. A lovely example of traditional architecture - patio topped by a gallery of turned wood paneling tiles, coffered ceilings painted wood ... - which houses a collection of old objects (costumes, jewelery, glass paintings ...). Kerkennah islands less than an hour from Sfax and charm and austere, the archipelago of Kerkennah has the mesmerizing beauty of distant islands. With its two main islands, Gharbi and Chergui, low and covered with palm trees, Kerkennahs offers breathtaking scenery. It's also a world that is engaging personality and distinctive traditions, reflecting a long history and many exchanges with other Mediterranean countries. Fishing still uses traditional methods: in shallow water sponges are harpooned with a trident, fish trapped in weirs are collected, the octopus is caught using hollow pottery they come snuggle. There is also evidence to Kerkennahs of a distant past. The old fortress Borj el-Hissar recalls that the island was once coveted by the Spaniards, Venetians and Turks. At its foot lie the remains of an ancient city; they bear witness to the long history of these islands who knew a famous guest: the Carthaginian general Hannibal there stopped over on his way to exile in East ... Holiday Kerkennahs The sea of ​​turquoise iridescent thousand shades at sunset , palms hundreds flutter delicately in the breeze, sandy tracks zigzag between the hamlets to die on the threshold of long deserted beaches ... Staying in Kerkennah is especially enjoy its unique atmosphere of serenity and simple beauty and absorbing its natural landscapes. A serenity that can be enjoyed on a walk along the coast on a loud - traditional flat-bottomed boat and sailing trianglaire - gently sliding on a glassy sea ... Kerkennahs has few hotels; also can we stay safe pleasures of the seaside The archipelago also has a rare distinction in the Mediterranean. low tide discovered a large area of sand, to the delight of shell collectors. El Jem Less than an hour's drive from Sfax, this small town is famous for its Colosseum - the largest in the world after Rome and Capua - built by Emperor Gordian to 230 AD. J. C.; a very impressive monument plus a rich Roman mosaics museum.

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