Saturday, August 16, 2014

National Park Gouraya

National Park Gouraya is located on the east coast of Algeria in the wilaya of Bejaia 230 km from the capital, this situation puts the park in relation to other cities: the southern city of Setif (111 km) , west of the city of Tizi ouzou-(127 km) and is the city of Jijel (96 km).

The reasons for its creation are diverse as native vegetation, contrast media marine-continental to regional history.

Covering an area of ​​2080 ha park has exceptional aesthetic and archaeological wealth, including historic site, the peak of the Apes, Fort Gouraya, walk Cap Carbon, wonderful cliffs.

In 2004 the park was recognized as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO.

The park's biodiversity is rich and varied, there are no fewer than 1,709 species of flora and fauna, including 30 species of mammals, 135 species of birds, 9 species of reptiles, 3 species of amphibians, 5 species of millipedes, 11 species of molluscs, 543 species of fish and zooplankton, 420 species of invertebrates.

The highlight of the national park is Mount Gouraya Gouraya 660 meters from the peak you have a wonderful view of Cap Carbon and the city of Bejaia.

The park contains several historical sites representing the footprints of the different civilizations that marked the history of the city and scenic sites. They receive a large number of tourists and curious visitors every year.

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