Sunday, August 17, 2014


Skanes At the southern end of the Gulf of Hammamet, Monastir is a land of dreams where the mild climate, clear skies and brightness of the sea combine with the warm and genuine welcome from the locals to ensure holidays both relaxed and rich in experiences and emotions. We'll be struck by the strength of the historical heritage and quiet permanence traditions in this open and modern look, who lives under the benevolent protection of the fortress, the city Ribat: one of the most impressive monuments of Tunisia. We will discover with pleasure the surrounding countryside, a cheerful and colorful world. And we rejoice in the comfort and entertainment of hotels, ideally suited for a holiday in peace ... Discover Monastir Town with a rich history, where beautiful old monuments are now integrated into a modern urban planning Monastir has many assets to attract. Built on a cape dipping in color sapphire waters, it benefits from the omnipresent sea, a sea that is offered in various aspects. Minutes from long sandy beaches and wonderful hotels dedicated to their homes, the picturesque fishing port, built between two peninsulas, comes alive each day the return of multilocores boats equipped with ancient Roman sailing and loaded with silver fish. Monastir and its region, it is also a rich palette of colors where the dazzling white modern building meets the ocher of the old walls. Nuanced hues tamarisk, aloe and olive, purple bougainvillea and hibiscus, the white notes of jasmine and the iridescent blue of the extent marine triumphant contrast with the green palm tree king of this southern region where the sun shines all year round. Ruspina memory, ancient city defended by a solid wall that served as a support to the African country of Julius Caesar, was to acquire great prestige in the Middle Ages as a place of mystical retreat, under the name of Monastir. It is indeed the construction of Ribat, a kind of Muslim fortified monastery, the town took on a new lease. The church was founded in the eighth century and modified over the centuries to become an imposing monument reflecting centuries of architectural tradition. Islamic Museum was laid there, you can admire manuscripts, engraved stelae and above all a great astrolabe dating from 927 This venerable past still permeates the present town. Around a vast esplanade of recent construction, several ancient monuments tell the story of the city, while Bourguiba mosque honors the memory of the first president of independent Tunisia, a native of Monastir. And the mausoleum of Bourguiba family is another wonderful monument with its golden dome and two minarets finely slender. Another aspect of the heritage of the city, you can admire the gorgeous costumes traditional feast, fully embroidered with sequins and gold thread at the Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions. Local color Strolling through the picturesque streets of the old quarters of Monastir, vaulted passageways in alleys loaded scents, you will discover a world of wonder with lights, impressions, smiles and serenity. Throughout the city, it's a buzz of activity, the copper engraver shop side by side with the great bazaar carpets, tiny shop artisan bent over his work, or the market that offers a stunning cries, corona and colors ... Small fishing town nestled in a pleasant and generous campaign, Monastir is surrounded by fields and orchards. There is perpetuated a way of life immemorial. From village to village, you will marvel animation markets, the rustic simplicity of lifestyle, originality costumes and Bedouin jewelery. An amusement park, Douar Kortine presents a staging of traditional life; a warm and rich tradition of its multiple roots. Holidays in Monastir welcomes people mainly in Skanes and Dkhila, two sandy beaches which are among the most beautiful in the Tunisian coast. The resort has a good level of hospitality; luxury hotels stand alongside family clubs, modern animation and folk performances are regularly offered. A wide range of sports activities awaits you through hotels and water sports centers well equipped for sailing, windsurfing, parasailing, jet skiing and other water sports. One can also, according to his tastes, scuba diving, horseback riding, tennis, archery, beach volleyball ... Beautiful boat ride you will see a blue coastline dotted with islands and islets. One can also stroll along the banks of the beautiful Marina, where boaters from around the world rendezvous, and extend the promenade by the sea to the fishing port, and to the curious caves of El Kahlia who s 'open level with the waves. Golf, congresses and Thalassotherapy Surrounded by dunes dotted with palm trees and hills covered with olive trees, Monastir has two beautiful golf courses of 18 holes each. The Flamingo Golf Course delight confirmed by its sporty and technical course players; however, it is affordable for everyone, with many tees tailored to different levels. Palm Links Golf Course, meanwhile, offers a pleasant journey and many facilities for players wanting to improve: 9 hole academy school with a full practice. Another course is located in Port El Kantaoui, just twenty kilometers. Conferences are welcome to Monastir has a convention center and several large rooms (up to 1000 seats) integrated with hotels. If relaxation and fitness is the purpose of your stay, you can choose between two health spas, which offer a wide range of care under strict medical supervision in accordance with Tunisian law. Added to several spa centers, allowing the station to fully meet current expectations. Traveling from Monastir Well located in a central region of Tunisia, Monastir helps radiate to most sites and cities of importance. A day will be enough to discover the main attractions of the north, while they may choose tours two days to explore the southern regions, either by the coast or into the interior of the continent.

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