Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hoggar and Tamanrasset

Crossed by the Tropic of Cancer at 80 km north of Tamanrasset, Hoggar (Ahaggar of tamachek) covers an area of about 540,000 km2, one quarter of the total area of Algeria.
To the east of Tamanrasset, rises the platform Atakor, astonishing landscape where lava fields have an important place, where the altitude is around 2000 m above and on which volcanoes are dismantled projections flush the 3,000 m.
Its highest peak, Mount Tahats the center of Atakor, rises to 2918 meters and dominates Algeria.
The most famous site of the Hoggar, sung by many poets and novelists, is Assekrem, 80 km from Tamanrasset as the crow flies and easily accessible by trail. The Assekrem greeted the summer hermitage of Charles de Foucauld, who settled there in 1911.
Real stone desert, Hoggar consists mainly of volcanic rocks.
Erosion has shaped a stunning landscape while sharp peaks. Due to a less extreme than the rest of the Sahara, Hoggar is an important refuge for some plant and animal species climate. From an ecological perspective, it can be differentiated from the rest of the Sahara.
The Hoggar massif is also the country called Tuareg Kel Ahaggar.
Near the town of Tamanrasset, in the oasis of Abalessa, it is possible to find the tomb of Tin Hinan an ancestor matriarch of the Tuaregs of the Hoggar. According to legend, Tin Hinan would Tafilalet in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco.
The immensity of these tracts of stones, the staggering beauty of this volcanic terrain, with basalt boulders and porphyry invite to mystical contemplation. Following the example of Charles de Foucauld, Christian hermits have long lived in stone huts Hoggar.


Tamanrasset, or "Tam" as it is called by the Northmen, is the undisputed capital of the Hoggar. This relatively young city benefits from relatively temperate climate that provides altitude, about 1,400 meters. The red and original houses, the magnificent panorama make this city a particularly endearing place that remembers its visitors. Foucault's father also left an indelible mark with his Bordj, near the Museum of Traditional Arts, full of beautiful pieces of crafts: jewelry, clothing, weapons and even locksmiths. The market town is also very attractive with its shops belt and street vendors.
A few kilometers away is a hot spring, Adriane, very busy. Close to the village, which has many blacksmiths are two unique monuments. They house the tombs of Prince Moussa Ag and her cousin Dassine Ould Khemma, famous in local mythology.

National Park Ahaggar

 Created in 1987 and declared a World Heritage Site, the park covers 80% of the massif with its 450,000 km2. The landscapes are more dazzling than each other. A Arak, sources of drinking water gush into the canyon, nourishing vegetation that contrasts with the lunar landscape. A Tadjmount, an iron source paves the way for a long parade of elephants, sheep, dogs, hippos on bedrock calcined.
The Tropic of Cancer passes In Ecker, just before the black Tadefest and cut and surprising Ghar El Djenoun.

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