Sunday, August 17, 2014


The landscape of the Zab valley, created in the tenth century by the Ibadites around their five ksours fortified cities, seems to have remained intact. Simple, functional and perfectly adapted to the environment, architecture Mzab was designed for community living, while respecting the family structure. It is a source of inspiration for the great masters, as Ravéreau, Pouillon, Bofill and today's urban planners.
Traditional Pentapolis consists of the first five ksours Al Ataf; Bou Noura; Ghardaia; Melika and Blessed Ysguen, built between the eleventh century and the fourteenth centuries. In this original set, in addition to the seventeenth century two important centers away from home ksours: Guerrara and Beriane. Ksours Pentapolis meet their extensions. They take place along the river Ghardaia, and from west to east.


Founded in 1053, Ghardaia is the largest of the cities of the Pentapolis. The city takes the form of a pyramid, hanging from a high hill, on top of which sits the central mosque, the minaret so typical. The network of streets, circular and radial surrounds homes,
built one against the other, and successive walls which has surrounded the city at different times. In the center, near the Grand Mosque, is the famous "Cave Daya". Below, you can visit both the arts center, the vast esplanade of the market, one of the finest of the Northern Sahara. The city is also the site of the confrontation of architectures against traditional colonial or modern, but also beautiful integration testing, inspiration local rites Ravéreau Pouillon sign and mail, the mayor, but especially Les Rostemides .

"The Queen" is the little sister of the imposing Ghardaia. Almost exact replica, founded in 1124, Melika has a special charm.
It was once the holy city of Mzab, and it is central to Melika that the tombs of revered saint in the region, Sidi Aissa, and his family, whose iduden these fingers whitewashed cob pointed skyward are moving simplicity.
Unlike other ksours souk Melika is adjacent to the Grand Mosque in the center duvillage.
The people of Melika had also made ​​a specialty of some pottery, called Green, who formed a long time a significant part of the economy of the city.

blessed Ysguen

The more authentic, and perhaps the most legendary in the eyes of ibadhites the region. Holiest city, built on a hillside and surrounded by a beautiful wall, pierced by monumental gateways that time, were closed at night.
His palm is the most beautiful, crossing a clear long dam. From the ledge that overlooks the city, the sunset is one of the finest performances ever. The terraces sparkle ocher, blue and white. Do not miss during your trip with a guide, ask him to make you climb the Bordj El Hadj Sheikh, a watchtower registered in World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Or visit a museum house that can see inside a traditional Mozabite.

Bou Noura

4 km from Ghardaia, Bou Noura is exposed, "light", also on the west side of the river. If the Ksar was destroyed, the city remains on guard behind its walls. Founded in 1048, it is a small pleasant village, the waterfront and facing the palm grove, this town embodies the charm serene.

Hoggar and Tamanrasset

Crossed by the Tropic of Cancer at 80 km north of Tamanrasset, Hoggar (Ahaggar of tamachek) covers an area of about 540,000 km2, one quarter of the total area of Algeria.
To the east of Tamanrasset, rises the platform Atakor, astonishing landscape where lava fields have an important place, where the altitude is around 2000 m above and on which volcanoes are dismantled projections flush the 3,000 m.
Its highest peak, Mount Tahats the center of Atakor, rises to 2918 meters and dominates Algeria.
The most famous site of the Hoggar, sung by many poets and novelists, is Assekrem, 80 km from Tamanrasset as the crow flies and easily accessible by trail. The Assekrem greeted the summer hermitage of Charles de Foucauld, who settled there in 1911.
Real stone desert, Hoggar consists mainly of volcanic rocks.
Erosion has shaped a stunning landscape while sharp peaks. Due to a less extreme than the rest of the Sahara, Hoggar is an important refuge for some plant and animal species climate. From an ecological perspective, it can be differentiated from the rest of the Sahara.
The Hoggar massif is also the country called Tuareg Kel Ahaggar.
Near the town of Tamanrasset, in the oasis of Abalessa, it is possible to find the tomb of Tin Hinan an ancestor matriarch of the Tuaregs of the Hoggar. According to legend, Tin Hinan would Tafilalet in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco.
The immensity of these tracts of stones, the staggering beauty of this volcanic terrain, with basalt boulders and porphyry invite to mystical contemplation. Following the example of Charles de Foucauld, Christian hermits have long lived in stone huts Hoggar.


Tamanrasset, or "Tam" as it is called by the Northmen, is the undisputed capital of the Hoggar. This relatively young city benefits from relatively temperate climate that provides altitude, about 1,400 meters. The red and original houses, the magnificent panorama make this city a particularly endearing place that remembers its visitors. Foucault's father also left an indelible mark with his Bordj, near the Museum of Traditional Arts, full of beautiful pieces of crafts: jewelry, clothing, weapons and even locksmiths. The market town is also very attractive with its shops belt and street vendors.
A few kilometers away is a hot spring, Adriane, very busy. Close to the village, which has many blacksmiths are two unique monuments. They house the tombs of Prince Moussa Ag and her cousin Dassine Ould Khemma, famous in local mythology.

National Park Ahaggar

 Created in 1987 and declared a World Heritage Site, the park covers 80% of the massif with its 450,000 km2. The landscapes are more dazzling than each other. A Arak, sources of drinking water gush into the canyon, nourishing vegetation that contrasts with the lunar landscape. A Tadjmount, an iron source paves the way for a long parade of elephants, sheep, dogs, hippos on bedrock calcined.
The Tropic of Cancer passes In Ecker, just before the black Tadefest and cut and surprising Ghar El Djenoun.


At the edge of the southern regions, but open to the sea, Sfax is an old city in modern times become the second city in Tunisia by population and economic importance. Away from the tourist centers, retaining a beautiful walled Medina, it has an authenticity that gives it a special appeal. Opposite to him for a nearby island, accessible by ferry, offers dream beaches and atmosphere of the end of the world: Kerkennah islands. Staying Close to the Grand Sfax Tunisian south, the heart of an already harsh and austere region, Sfax is surrounded by vast olive groves perfectly ordered that must rank Tunisian capital of olive oil ... It is also a large port city, industrial and commercial. A city of contrasts, prosperous and active while remaining deeply rooted in tradition. Many hotels provide excellent comfort to stay in Sfax and discover the many facets. Its downtown is not devoid of a certain cachet: plots and covered galleries are surrounded by original style buildings Arabisance whose battlements and towers shaped minaret inspired by ancient Islamic architecture. Above all, we will visit the Medina length perfectly preserved and bustling with life, one of the most remarkable Tunisia. Through the Medina Of crenellated ramparts, color of parchment, facing the modern city, punctuated by a series of bastions and towers: the Sfax Medina offers an imposing face. Its appearance from another time encourages penetrate further. Soon reached the monumental Bab Diwan, one reaches an exotic world and full of animation souks of spices, perfumes, jewelers, blacksmiths ... neighborhood trade keeps the brand of old ways of life. At its center stands the Great Mosque, built in the ninth century and rebuilt at various times, which has a remarkable minaret decorated with carved designs. Far from being neglected by modern life as are the older neighborhoods of cities, the Medina still has very active souks which case a mixed population. Throughout the wall, 2 km long, forts may offer pleasant stops: Borj el-Rasas and Moorish cafe Diwan, where we will focus sipping mint tea, and the Borj Ennar including the terrace offers a breathtaking view of the old town and the modern city. We also stop at the curious minaret Sidi Amar Kammoun and we visit the Kasbah, which houses a small museum of architecture in Tunisia Sfax city of traditions While having acquired the stature of a major economic center, Sfax remained deeply committed to its heritage and traditions. Evidenced by its Medina, little influenced by tourism, which still has an authentic atmosphere. Well versed in the traditional arts - like music - Sfaxiens are also known for their cuisine. Their recipes with fish, their oriental pastries are the delight of gourmets. There is a very nice Sfax Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions, housed in a beautiful house in the Medina Dar Jellouli. A lovely example of traditional architecture - patio topped by a gallery of turned wood paneling tiles, coffered ceilings painted wood ... - which houses a collection of old objects (costumes, jewelery, glass paintings ...). Kerkennah islands less than an hour from Sfax and charm and austere, the archipelago of Kerkennah has the mesmerizing beauty of distant islands. With its two main islands, Gharbi and Chergui, low and covered with palm trees, Kerkennahs offers breathtaking scenery. It's also a world that is engaging personality and distinctive traditions, reflecting a long history and many exchanges with other Mediterranean countries. Fishing still uses traditional methods: in shallow water sponges are harpooned with a trident, fish trapped in weirs are collected, the octopus is caught using hollow pottery they come snuggle. There is also evidence to Kerkennahs of a distant past. The old fortress Borj el-Hissar recalls that the island was once coveted by the Spaniards, Venetians and Turks. At its foot lie the remains of an ancient city; they bear witness to the long history of these islands who knew a famous guest: the Carthaginian general Hannibal there stopped over on his way to exile in East ... Holiday Kerkennahs The sea of ​​turquoise iridescent thousand shades at sunset , palms hundreds flutter delicately in the breeze, sandy tracks zigzag between the hamlets to die on the threshold of long deserted beaches ... Staying in Kerkennah is especially enjoy its unique atmosphere of serenity and simple beauty and absorbing its natural landscapes. A serenity that can be enjoyed on a walk along the coast on a loud - traditional flat-bottomed boat and sailing trianglaire - gently sliding on a glassy sea ... Kerkennahs has few hotels; also can we stay safe pleasures of the seaside The archipelago also has a rare distinction in the Mediterranean. low tide discovered a large area of sand, to the delight of shell collectors. El Jem Less than an hour's drive from Sfax, this small town is famous for its Colosseum - the largest in the world after Rome and Capua - built by Emperor Gordian to 230 AD. J. C.; a very impressive monument plus a rich Roman mosaics museum.


A short distance from Hammamet, Nabeul is located which is the second tourist hub of the region. The beaches are, again, nice and wide. But the ancient Neapolis has another attraction: it is one of the highlights of a dynamic and diverse craft, whose most important branches are, no doubt, pottery and ceramics. Its ancient name Neapolis, Neapolis, is, after that of Carthage, as mentioned previously. From the ancient times, the Jewish settlement Due presence is attested. The remains of the ancient Neapolis emerged: large Roman houses, a craft complex which prepared salted, streets ... The pottery was practiced in Nabeul since Roman times, perhaps even from the Punic period ... The potters make glazed pottery and the porous pottery. This craft is very creative. Its production is diversified. New forms are regularly invented, new objects are born. Crafts evolves preserving its authenticity. Ceramic and are also developed. Other crafts are also thriving: plaiting, distillation of perfumes from orange blossom and jasmine, embroidery, metalwork ... There is an archaeological museum in Nabeul, a museum ... The bread market Nabeul is held on Friday. It offers all kinds of animals, products and foodstuffs. It is very lively and worth a visit.


Skanes At the southern end of the Gulf of Hammamet, Monastir is a land of dreams where the mild climate, clear skies and brightness of the sea combine with the warm and genuine welcome from the locals to ensure holidays both relaxed and rich in experiences and emotions. We'll be struck by the strength of the historical heritage and quiet permanence traditions in this open and modern look, who lives under the benevolent protection of the fortress, the city Ribat: one of the most impressive monuments of Tunisia. We will discover with pleasure the surrounding countryside, a cheerful and colorful world. And we rejoice in the comfort and entertainment of hotels, ideally suited for a holiday in peace ... Discover Monastir Town with a rich history, where beautiful old monuments are now integrated into a modern urban planning Monastir has many assets to attract. Built on a cape dipping in color sapphire waters, it benefits from the omnipresent sea, a sea that is offered in various aspects. Minutes from long sandy beaches and wonderful hotels dedicated to their homes, the picturesque fishing port, built between two peninsulas, comes alive each day the return of multilocores boats equipped with ancient Roman sailing and loaded with silver fish. Monastir and its region, it is also a rich palette of colors where the dazzling white modern building meets the ocher of the old walls. Nuanced hues tamarisk, aloe and olive, purple bougainvillea and hibiscus, the white notes of jasmine and the iridescent blue of the extent marine triumphant contrast with the green palm tree king of this southern region where the sun shines all year round. Ruspina memory, ancient city defended by a solid wall that served as a support to the African country of Julius Caesar, was to acquire great prestige in the Middle Ages as a place of mystical retreat, under the name of Monastir. It is indeed the construction of Ribat, a kind of Muslim fortified monastery, the town took on a new lease. The church was founded in the eighth century and modified over the centuries to become an imposing monument reflecting centuries of architectural tradition. Islamic Museum was laid there, you can admire manuscripts, engraved stelae and above all a great astrolabe dating from 927 This venerable past still permeates the present town. Around a vast esplanade of recent construction, several ancient monuments tell the story of the city, while Bourguiba mosque honors the memory of the first president of independent Tunisia, a native of Monastir. And the mausoleum of Bourguiba family is another wonderful monument with its golden dome and two minarets finely slender. Another aspect of the heritage of the city, you can admire the gorgeous costumes traditional feast, fully embroidered with sequins and gold thread at the Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions. Local color Strolling through the picturesque streets of the old quarters of Monastir, vaulted passageways in alleys loaded scents, you will discover a world of wonder with lights, impressions, smiles and serenity. Throughout the city, it's a buzz of activity, the copper engraver shop side by side with the great bazaar carpets, tiny shop artisan bent over his work, or the market that offers a stunning cries, corona and colors ... Small fishing town nestled in a pleasant and generous campaign, Monastir is surrounded by fields and orchards. There is perpetuated a way of life immemorial. From village to village, you will marvel animation markets, the rustic simplicity of lifestyle, originality costumes and Bedouin jewelery. An amusement park, Douar Kortine presents a staging of traditional life; a warm and rich tradition of its multiple roots. Holidays in Monastir welcomes people mainly in Skanes and Dkhila, two sandy beaches which are among the most beautiful in the Tunisian coast. The resort has a good level of hospitality; luxury hotels stand alongside family clubs, modern animation and folk performances are regularly offered. A wide range of sports activities awaits you through hotels and water sports centers well equipped for sailing, windsurfing, parasailing, jet skiing and other water sports. One can also, according to his tastes, scuba diving, horseback riding, tennis, archery, beach volleyball ... Beautiful boat ride you will see a blue coastline dotted with islands and islets. One can also stroll along the banks of the beautiful Marina, where boaters from around the world rendezvous, and extend the promenade by the sea to the fishing port, and to the curious caves of El Kahlia who s 'open level with the waves. Golf, congresses and Thalassotherapy Surrounded by dunes dotted with palm trees and hills covered with olive trees, Monastir has two beautiful golf courses of 18 holes each. The Flamingo Golf Course delight confirmed by its sporty and technical course players; however, it is affordable for everyone, with many tees tailored to different levels. Palm Links Golf Course, meanwhile, offers a pleasant journey and many facilities for players wanting to improve: 9 hole academy school with a full practice. Another course is located in Port El Kantaoui, just twenty kilometers. Conferences are welcome to Monastir has a convention center and several large rooms (up to 1000 seats) integrated with hotels. If relaxation and fitness is the purpose of your stay, you can choose between two health spas, which offer a wide range of care under strict medical supervision in accordance with Tunisian law. Added to several spa centers, allowing the station to fully meet current expectations. Traveling from Monastir Well located in a central region of Tunisia, Monastir helps radiate to most sites and cities of importance. A day will be enough to discover the main attractions of the north, while they may choose tours two days to explore the southern regions, either by the coast or into the interior of the continent.


Hammamet This is hemmed azure sea, endless beaches of white sand, the blue sky, the sun, palm trees and fragrant orchards of orange, bergamot and Seville orange. These are the flowers of jasmine and orange trees. This is a beautiful resort, with its luxury hotels, night clubs, bars, restaurants. A new resort d'émerger just beside the old Hammamet South, or better yet, Yasmine-Hammamet, Tunisia tourism jewel. Initially, Georges Sebastian, Romanian billionaire, lets captivated by the charm of the place and built a sumptuous villa in the style of the country, one of the finest architectural achievements. Americans are subjugated in turn: John and Violet ... Then Hensen global celebrities: André Gide, Roger Martin du Gard, Georges Bernanos, Paul Klee, Frank Lloyd Wright ... Marshal Rommel made ​​his headquarters villa Sebastian ..D'autres celebrities settle in Hammamet, following Jean-Claude Pascal. In 1959, ownership of Sebastian, acquired by the Tunisian State, became the International Cultural Centre which takes place every summer, the International Festival of Hammamet, a prestigious event in which luminaries from the worlds of music, dance and theater ... If Hammamet has no grandiose monuments, medina has a lot of character. The visitor will not remain insensitive to the charm of its streets and the atmosphere of privacy that comes out, or the friendly eyes and a kind smile residents. The walls of the medina are pierced by three doors. Kasbah dates from the fifteenth century. It was built on the site of a fort from the twelfth century. It is a great vantage point, from where you can admire the whole city. It has installed a charming cafe. In the hotel zone, are the ruins of the ancient city of Pupput where you can admire the remains of the most beautiful homes, with private baths, mosaics ... Favorite Yasmine Hammamet property developers, has in recent years a unprecedented development. Located in the southern Gulf of Hammamet, this station occupies the site of the ancient city of Pupput. From its long sandy beaches, the new resort of Yasmine looks Mediterranean with a serene air. That one comes there by plane or boat, it is good to stay in this seaside town perfectly arranged. Marina with docks decorated gardens provides a framework attractive promenade. It strolls during the day and night, lulled by the sound of the wind in the ropes. The terraces of cafes and restaurants offer the opportunity to linger further, to soak up the holiday atmosphere that reigns here in all seasons. Unparalleled Medina Yasmine Hammamet is located just off the harbor. In its fortifications covering more than ten acres, it offers accommodation, culture and recreation related to Tunisia in the past and today. The opportunity to experience a fun and in one place the lifestyle of this country to ancient traditions. - A Yasmine Hammamet, do not miss visiting the walled medina. Heir of Carthage, influenced by the Muslim civilization and typical Tunisian architecture, it offers an interactive journey through the ages. This museum-city of a new genre full of souks where you can see craftsmen at work, restaurants serving local specialties, typical shops and executives shows that host various events including the festival in Medi Music June - Relaxation in Hammamet, a new thalassotherapy center has opened its doors at the Holiday Inn Lalla Beya. Golf enthusiasts can work out on the golf Yasmine and followers of roulette or slot machines will go to try their luck at the Grand Casino. - Perched on a rocky outcrop in the inland Takrouna book a panoramic view of the area. On the road, the village of Sidi Khalifa interest to archeology enthusiasts. A little further, the small town of Ken great example of local culture.


Island whose history is lost to the ages, provided a remarkable coastline giving the coast a languid air, Djerba offers a seaside setting with varied activities in which everyone can draw at will, sports, relaxation and discovery. Southeast of Tunisia, Djerba amazes visitors with its sweetness and heavenly setting. The island that charmed the legendary Odysseus was Punic before Roman. Then invaded by the Vandals and the Byzantines, it was conquered by the Arabs in 667. In the eleventh century, it was devastated by Hilali tribes from the East. Today, Djerba has about 80 000 inhabitants and has beautiful beaches that are 1/10 of the Tunisian coast ... She faces the seaside town of Zarzis, established on the site of the Roman city of Gergis. Fully equipped in hotels, clubs and leisure facilities, Djerba and Zarzis you will love the ocher earth dotted with palm trees, as well as their menzels, small white domed houses. And that's not counting the many discoveries and beach activities that await you. To see and do The Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions of Houmt Souk has a comprehensive collection of traditional costumes that belonged to ethnic past. There is also a pottery and antique jewelry. The oldest Jewish town of Djerba, Erriadh houses the jewish synagogue which takes place every year a pilgrimage that attracts Jewish believers of all countries. The synagogue holds one of the oldest Torah in the world. For a nice walk by the sea, go to Ajim harbor, near which is the most dense palm groves of the island. There is also the arrival of the ferry terminal Jorf, which connects the Sea Djerba to the rest of the country. A Guellala, go visit the pottery workshops where you will also find an olive press in perfect condition. Cycling, tennis, horseback riding, water skiing, ULM, scuba diving and fishing are all activities that can be done in Djerba Zarzis like. You will also have ample opportunity to attend one of the cultural festivals of the island, including the Ulysses festival devoted to international films, which takes place every year in July.


Seaport with a rich history, Bizerte has all the charm of a traditional small and welcoming city. But at the same time it offers modern districts worthy of a big city, and all necessary to a holiday filled well infrastructure in the heart of a green area where a large selection of original routes of discovery awaits you . Discover Bizerte on the old harbor, colorful boats glide up cafes and venerable walls of the medina. In the old town, you have to wander to find, across town, the lively souks, a lovely Turkish fountain or ancient monuments such as the Great Mosque ... It will visit the Kasbah, a real "city within a city" walled, with a mosque and a whole maze of narrow streets and Ksiba, a small fortress equipped today oceanographic museum. But a few steps away, the atmosphere is full of change: recent quarters have broad modern avenues. It is sure to win the beautiful avenue of the waterfront and breathe the sea breeze, contemplating the great port. And then remember that Bizerte was at all times a stronghold and a large entrance door of Europe to Africa. It is the location of the Kasbah, the old princely citadel that was the ancient city of Hippo. The Carthaginians, then the Byzantines had high walls. The Citadel itself, whose walls along the old harbor, dates back to the Middle Ages but was largely transformed the Turkish period; the city was a major port for privateers. Bizerte was indeed considered historically as a strategic stronghold, because of its proximity to Europe and its natural harbor (Lake Bizerte) helped to maintain the ships safe. The only door to the Kasbah, Bab el-Medina, is truly a fort, while on the other side of the channel, another fort, the Ksiba, watch over the harbor entrance. Further, a large Turkish fortress, called Fort of Spain, dominates the "Andalusian district" where Bizerte once housed many exiles from Spain. The Turkish presence and scored Andalusian city of Bizerte. Tunis nearby but away from the busiest routes, Bizerte is perfect for a relaxing stay at the edge of its vast sandy beaches. The station now has large hotels with modern standards where everything is provided for the convenience of guests. It also offers all the activities that brighten a room waterfront with its watersports and dive center diving. One can even easily play golf on his way to Tunis, distant only 70 km, with a new highway.

The Seaside Tourism

The generosity of the shores of Neptune

Tunisian coasts offer a friendly environment and varied to relax or get away.

Like a ship's prow, Tunisia splits the Mediterranean to the northern tip of Africa. Scalloped beaches along which totaled agglomerations holiday dedicated to the Tunisian coasts offer a friendly environment to relax and varied, partying with friends or get away. With over 1,300 km of coastline, 600 beaches, Tunisia offers a special setting for beach holidays. Nothing d'étonnant that hotels have flourished on its coastline, turning old fishing villages in fashionable resorts or creating vast leisure complex where there was only sand in the eye. Djerba in Tabarka, the coastal landscape was modeled as a function of the increasing influx of tourists.

Currently, more than 7 million tourists who visit Tunisia each year, or the equivalent of half the population. Varied, the accommodation ranges from simple residential hotel to five-star luxury establishment, through clubs and apartments in timeshare. This allows everyone to find an address corresponding to their wishes, that one is fond of water sports, fitness or lounging on the beach.
Based on its history and development, each resort offers a specific face. In Djerba for example, hotels are trying to replicate the architecture of the villages of the island by focusing on low with rounded structures. These are the famous menzels that still there are few, were the only buildings djerbiens. These vaulted roofs with square or domed houses display walls in dazzling white. Traditionally, the only opening of the houses is made by the door, but sometimes there are also protected by grills d'étroites windows. Of course, hotels have adapted this somewhat austere architecture wishes Reviews: large windows, balconies or terraces mostly on green islands. And so-called first position establishments are feet in the water at the edge of neatly manicured beaches.